Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Night Before the Trip

Hey guys this will be my last post while living in Oklahoma. As Oklahoma will always be my home and I will always call it home no matter where life may take me but I am leaving in the morning I did not think this time would ever come and to be honest I am really excited yet I am still nervous as what to expect. I know that i can do this and that I will do it and enjoy it but still that little seed of wonder how this experience will go for me, but the thing is it will go as good as i make it! I go into it expecting to have fun but I know I will be working hard also the saying goes work hard and play harder! I am going to enjoy this experience this nervous is just based on not knowing whats going to happen for sure. I am going to do this I am ready for it and i plan to do everything i can to make the best out of all my situations even though there will be rough patches along the way but that is expected in life! I got this and I got a great support circle that i may be leaving here in Oklahoma but i know i can count on every single one of them to be there for me in any way they can be whether its a phone call a text or a comment on here supporting me I know they will never leave me and I am so happy for them being here for me through out my struggles. I just hope I have been a good support to them as well!

Well until next time take it easy and enjoy the moment!

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