Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Night Before Checking in....

So I have been driving for the past three days. For the most part they have been great and fun have enjoyed it with my mom I would be even more tired if it wasnt for my mom coming with me. Today there is a speed bump that i hit i lost my wallet somewhere yesterday/last night, but I think it will work out besides losing close to 100 dollars but I guess i will have to get over that and move on. I am Checking in tomorrow if they will let me i dont know what i will do if i cant check in i had to have my dad overnight my birth certificate to me for i can have a form of identification and get my license and social security card so hopefully i can still check in and start work soon. if not well i am stuck in Florida with no chance! hell i cant even buy beer to take the edge off tonight cause i lost my flippin wallet! i hope that is the last of my trials for a while but I will let you guys know how everything else goes after tomorrow morning!!

you guys take it easy until then!

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