Friday, May 25, 2012

Disney Look/orientation days

So I have started this week. First day was Wednesday which was Traditions which is pretty much orientation. They have a couple different orientations. Traditions was pretty much passing down the Disney Traditions go figure would have never guessed that! ha ha but seriously its quite interesting how things go on here they make sure you do everything the right way everything down to how you point in the right direction its quite interesting and there are so many ways to do stuff its crazy how detailed they get. None of the stuff i have learned were bad just different than what i have been around i guess you could say. Then yesterday (Thursday) i had food and beverage orientation which was informative i guess if you have never worked at a food place before pretty much telling you how to cook things right not undercook or over cook and that sort of stuff boring stuff but informative. This trip or journey will be very interesting to say the least. I am really excited that i have finally gotten to start and am still excited to find out exactly where and what i will be doing. I do have a good idea on what i will be doing.

On other notes of things i have been doing besides work. After traditions i have finally gotten the golden id that lets me into all the parks for free so now i can do stuff whether i have money or not, i can go ride rides at no additional charge its one of the perks for working for Disney. I have only been to Magic Kingdom and Hollywood studios so far but i think me and one of the friends i have met are going to hit up Epcot tomorrow afternoon. I wish i had some awesome stories to share with you but right now i dont and i hate admitting that, but i am sure i will come up with some amazing story soon! keep checking back!

until next time you guys have a good one!

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