Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Beginning of something great

I am about to go on an adventure or that's what we will call it. I applied for an internship with Disney and I was offered it in early April and I accepted it. I may have applied for it with all the wrong intentions at first but I believe that I was given this opportunity for a reason a reason that i cannot explain at the moment I honestly believe that this could be an opportunity to find who I really am. I honestly don't know what i want to do with life yet and am still working on who I am and what I am doing later in life i have a long ways to go. I do believe i am going to do the best i can and this will benefit me the most. This opportunity is giving me a little break from school which i really think I need just to get out there and this opportunity is giving me a break but still giving me what i need to graduate (an internship). I am not quite sure what I want to write for all my blogs but I think it will end up being me ranting about the good times and the bad times and what is going on i will try to post at minimum of once a week if not more often. If you want to comment feel free to if questions feel free to ask. I will be living at disney for the next 8 months! This is a great opportunity that I have been offerend and this will be a journey to say the least. I am getting ready to learn a lot and hopefully give some people some of my own knowledge. This is going to be a great time!(by the way this may not be the best grammar ever but I am trying really am but this isn't for an english class so i do apologize now for the grammar! ha ha)

until next time Take it easy

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