Monday, May 21, 2012

day 6!

So i have been living in Orlando for about 6 days now and i still havent started work or even found out when i will start work. (if want to know the story why i have posted it earlier in these blogs.)  I should find out tomorrow hopefully I need to find out I am getting tired of sitting around the apartment i am almost out of money i am going insane not doing anything! I know its my fault and right now not really getting to post about what i am experiencing besides my irritating parts that i made happen myself even though it was an accident. but today my roommate got canned because his background didnt check out which sucks for him but i think it will benefit me in the long run he is 34 years old going on 35. He was a different one to say the least. I mean he was nice and tried to help as much as possible but he was different big time and i just hope the best for him but i think its good for me not having to room with him any more. i want to post better blogs then this i just wanted to inform anyone that is reading this on what is going on i will post again when i find out when i start and all that information i will talk to you guys on another day!

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