Saturday, June 23, 2012


So I know that it has been a while and apologize for that. but tonight has hit me and hit me hard. I came down here to improve and experience stuff when really all i have done was change who i am. And not in a good way and some girl that i have just met a few nights ago has kind of opened my eyes to this. I didnt improve myself yet i havent even found myself yet. I will fix this and will get better at being who i really am. I dont need to be who i have been the past few weeks I didnt come here to make people think that i am a wreck that i am not responsible and what not. but i think thats what i ended up doing by showing a little bit of a fake Brett and I am sad to say this cause its breaking my heart even thinking that i would walk away from who i really am. i got this i will fix this. I may have scared this girl away because of me drinking the past few days yes its drinking related. i dont know how to fix it but i want to. i do not want people to think less of me because of alcohol related stuff. I am better than that i am way better than that. I didnt let her down, i didnt let my family down, I let myself down because i came to improve myself and all i am doing is hurting myself and i dont know how to control what i am doing. I am not saying i dont know how to control my drinking cause thats not my problem my problem is just letting myself over do it sometimes and now i feel really bad..... But i promise to myself ill be better whether ill ever have a chance at even being friends with her idk but if not i guess ill better myself for later on.

take it easy guys

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 1 after Training

I have been off of training for about a week now. I am sure I have loads to learn still I have learned so much this week after training even I am having a good time at it though. These hours are brutal sometimes I just dont like working 10 to 11 hour shifts that kind of sucks, but for the most part i like it a lot here. There is so much i could do better and am working on to do better.

They have put me with a new roommate and he seems to be a lot cooler and a lot more fun then the last one. the last one was nice i guess but just kind of weird he was a lot older and i just didnt feel right beinghere trying to hang out with a roommate that is so much older  than me lol. but this one seems to be way better and hope that it keeps to be that way so far we are getting a long just fine.

until next time guys take it easy

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Random Rant.....

There are things that happen in life that just make you do things you might not do other wise. There was something that happened in early February that kind of pushed me into applying for this job that i got. I keep saying i wish it wouldnt have happened cause i cant help but remember how good it felt so to speak, but if it wouldnt have happened i would have never applied for this job i would be in Ponca City working at walmart all over again which would be ok but i wouldn't get this opportunity that i am getting right now and i am so happy that i am here, but for some reason i cant get this thought out of my head and it makes things harder for me because i just dont know how to realize that i am better off my mind works in weird ways and it always has. I know it happened for the best and that this is where i should be but still it stays in my head that i wish i could change what happened in one way or another. No i am not saying i dont want to be here because I DO want to be here I guess i just want both. Which can't and wont happen. I just need a way to completely forget some stuff i dont want to know about it i dont want to think about it. I wanna be done. oh well i got this and am going to do great where i am at and i am so glad i am here meeting all these new people and getting to know them. I am having a great time just every once in a while i let my mind wander!

well sorry for ranting today, until next time take it easy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1st day

first day of training went well, i have been doing days of orientation or showing me around for the lack of words, but today i actually did stuff like make sandwiches or give out magical moments. yes i said magical moments i do work for Disney so i do make magic as cool or lame as that sounds i do make some kind of magic this is getting more and more interesting as time goes on and i am learning more and more things and i am getting more and more used to things and i am enjoying it more and more.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Disney Look/orientation days

So I have started this week. First day was Wednesday which was Traditions which is pretty much orientation. They have a couple different orientations. Traditions was pretty much passing down the Disney Traditions go figure would have never guessed that! ha ha but seriously its quite interesting how things go on here they make sure you do everything the right way everything down to how you point in the right direction its quite interesting and there are so many ways to do stuff its crazy how detailed they get. None of the stuff i have learned were bad just different than what i have been around i guess you could say. Then yesterday (Thursday) i had food and beverage orientation which was informative i guess if you have never worked at a food place before pretty much telling you how to cook things right not undercook or over cook and that sort of stuff boring stuff but informative. This trip or journey will be very interesting to say the least. I am really excited that i have finally gotten to start and am still excited to find out exactly where and what i will be doing. I do have a good idea on what i will be doing.

On other notes of things i have been doing besides work. After traditions i have finally gotten the golden id that lets me into all the parks for free so now i can do stuff whether i have money or not, i can go ride rides at no additional charge its one of the perks for working for Disney. I have only been to Magic Kingdom and Hollywood studios so far but i think me and one of the friends i have met are going to hit up Epcot tomorrow afternoon. I wish i had some awesome stories to share with you but right now i dont and i hate admitting that, but i am sure i will come up with some amazing story soon! keep checking back!

until next time you guys have a good one!

Monday, May 21, 2012

day 6!

So i have been living in Orlando for about 6 days now and i still havent started work or even found out when i will start work. (if want to know the story why i have posted it earlier in these blogs.)  I should find out tomorrow hopefully I need to find out I am getting tired of sitting around the apartment i am almost out of money i am going insane not doing anything! I know its my fault and right now not really getting to post about what i am experiencing besides my irritating parts that i made happen myself even though it was an accident. but today my roommate got canned because his background didnt check out which sucks for him but i think it will benefit me in the long run he is 34 years old going on 35. He was a different one to say the least. I mean he was nice and tried to help as much as possible but he was different big time and i just hope the best for him but i think its good for me not having to room with him any more. i want to post better blogs then this i just wanted to inform anyone that is reading this on what is going on i will post again when i find out when i start and all that information i will talk to you guys on another day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

oh snap living in florida

I have been in Florida for only 3 days now it hasn't been great but hasn't been bad either just been trying to get to work and meet people because i lost my id's every single one of them. So i have been focusing on that and that a lone but i got that taken care of today and now I am just relaxing enjoying some tv. I am not sure when i will get to start i dont know when i will get to start going to the parks but it will be soon. Besides losing the wallet i have been doing great and I am looking forward to working i am looking forward to getting to know people its been kind of hard though i will find the people i will find the places to hang out besides my apartment it will just take time and patience.