Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 1 after Training

I have been off of training for about a week now. I am sure I have loads to learn still I have learned so much this week after training even I am having a good time at it though. These hours are brutal sometimes I just dont like working 10 to 11 hour shifts that kind of sucks, but for the most part i like it a lot here. There is so much i could do better and am working on to do better.

They have put me with a new roommate and he seems to be a lot cooler and a lot more fun then the last one. the last one was nice i guess but just kind of weird he was a lot older and i just didnt feel right beinghere trying to hang out with a roommate that is so much older  than me lol. but this one seems to be way better and hope that it keeps to be that way so far we are getting a long just fine.

until next time guys take it easy

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